Evangelos Kareklas
Civil Engineer (National Technical University of Athens) with MSc in Transportation (University of Southampton).
With over three decades of experience in Traffic & Transport Modelling, has worked as Project Manager in Greece and abroad and currently he was the General Operations Manager of NEA ODOS and KENTRIKI ELLADOS Motorways, GEK TERNA Group of Companies. His is a certified Traffic Safety Inspector for Greece and member of Nea Odos and Hellastron Board of Directors.
Manos Mavrogiorgis
Civil Engineer (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne) with MSc in Transportation (The University of Salford).
Boasting a solid academic foundation and over a decade of consultancy experience, Manos excels in tackling complex traffic challenges. His expertise in transport modelling and traffic engineering enriches our projects.
Ioannis Psarros
Civil Engineer (National Technical University of Athens) with MSc in Transportation (Florida Atlantic University).
With strong academic background and ten years experience in the transport sector, Ioannis focuses on transportation planning, travel demand forecasting and projects’ financial/economic evaluation. His insights drive effective traffic management solutions.
Efstathios Triantafyllidis
Surveyor Engineer (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) with postgraduate studies in Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
With experience in both transport and environmental issues, he possesses the necessary knowledge to promote sustainable urban mobility solutions. His rich academic background enables him to tackle intricate transportation issues with a commitment to environmental and societal well-being.